Office News

                                                                             New doctor brings a new baby!

On March 26th, Dr. Donahue and her husband welcomed their daughter, Hollyn Monroe, into the world. Hollyn weighed 8 pounds 13 ounces and measured just over 22 inches long. Dr. Donahue will be back in office and undoubtedly sharing baby photos mid-June.



                                      We at Standish Family Dental Center have great news!  

As our practice continues to grow, I have decided to add another doctor to our practice. I’d like to introduce Dr. Ashli Donahue who grew up and currently resides in Au Gres.  She has spent the last 2 ½ years growing her skills in a cosmetically oriented practice and we are glad she wanted to return home and practice here in Arenac County.  She graduated from SVSU as a President Scholar, then continued her dental studies at Midwestern University, in Chicago.  

While at Midwestern, she was awarded the Midwestern University Award of Excellence, the Spirit of Service Award, inducted in the Omicron Kappa Upsilon Dental Honors Society and was president of the Cosmetic Dentistry Club.  Dr. Donahue enjoys all Arenac County has to offer including hunting, fishing, and relaxing on the beach with her husband, Jonny.  

Dr. Donahue started in January and will be off for her maternity leave in the spring as she and Jonny are welcoming their first child.  We look forward to working together for years to come. Make sure you give Dr. Donahue a warm welcome when you see her at your next appointment.


Andrew Dwan D.S.S.                    


dwan donahue

Greyson became a big brother!

              Greyson along with Mom and Dad are happy to share that Emersyn made her arrival on August 29th, 2023
                            at 7:24  p.m. She weighed 7 lbs 3 oz and 20 in long.  Congratulations Riley and Joseph!!!


                                                                              Riley's greatest catch!

Proud parents, Riley and Joesph welcomed their son Greyson on April 14th, 2022!  Greyson weighed 6 lbs 1 oz and was 19 inches long. The family is happy and healthy!



                                                                         Lexi's little bundle has arrived!

On Sunday, March 20th, 2022 Lexi and Robert welcomed their beautiful son Arian James into the world! Arian was born at 9:55 a.m. , weighing 7 lbs 6oz and 19 inches long. Both mom and baby are doing great! You will see Lexi back in the office at the end of June.


                                                             Coming Soon!
                           With due dates only 6 weeks apart, both Lexi and Riley are expecting baby boys this spring!


                       Dr. Dwan interviewed with TV25 on his past and future missions trips

Click link below to see interview

                                   Assistant Josette ice fishing with friends!

Fishing article

                                      SFDC celebrated Dental Assistants week!
                                                                                            March 6th- 12th
                                                                 Pictured below Dr. Dwan's assistants Chris, Riley and Josette.


Dr. Dwan and friends win trivia night hosted by The Arenac Community Funds Committee!

trivia night

               Dr. Dwan celebrated 25 years of dentistry in November, 2021!

25 years


                                       Happy Halloween from Willy Wonka and his Oompa Loopas!!


Previous employee making dreams come true in her last year of dental school

Student Profile: Amanda Robertson

Amanda Robertson poses with Jabin Sachenko after she conducted his exam and cleaning during the “Give Kids A Smile!” Clinic at the dental school last spring.
Amanda focuses on the treatment (above) and listens (below) as Jabin makes a point during their conversation.
Amanda poses with a young patient that she and another student, Sergio Calleja Blanco (right), treated at a clinic in Chichicastenango, Guatemala, last spring during a Global Initiatives trip. At left is Dr. Steven Niergarth, an adjunct faculty member from Traverse City, Mich.

The route to dental school was indirect but rewarding

This profile is one in a series highlighting School of Dentistry alumni, donors and students.

Ann Arbor, Mich., Sept. 18, 2018 -– The precocious seven-year-old boy in the dental chair has a lot to say and dental student Amanda Robertson is listening patiently and exchanging kid-friendly banter as she moves efficiently through an exam and various treatments.

It’s the annual “Give Kids a Smile!” Clinic at the U-M School of Dentistry and Robertson, in her final year of dental school, projects the calm self-assurance of a much more experienced dentist.

Maybe her confidence comes from working as a chairside assistant in dental practices for more than a decade before starting dental school. Maybe it’s because she is, at age 31, six years older than the typical dental student. Maybe it’s because her non-traditional path included sacrifices like moving back-and-forth between Michigan and California twice during her husband’s deployments overseas with the U.S. Marine Corps. Or perhaps it’s because helping patients was the reason – and now the gratifying reward – that she worked during the day, went to college classes at night and took second jobs on the weekends to pay the bills for several years.

As Robertson nears graduation next May, she is focused on her final dental school requirements and on finding a practice to join or buy into. It’s a destination that’s beyond what she imagined as a kid when she first became fascinated with teeth and decided in high school to pursue dental assisting.

“I’ve always liked teeth,” she says. “When I think back as a kid, and I would watch TV or someone talking, I would look at their teeth.”

As a high school junior in Standish, Mich., Robertson enrolled in a career program with the local intermediate school district. She attended regular high school classes for a couple of hours each morning, then spent the rest of the day learning about dental assisting. She liked it enough that in her senior year she continued the program with an internship in the office of a local dentist, Dr. Andrew Dwan (U-M DDS 1996). Before she had graduated from high school, she was already a part-time employee there.

Amanda and Michael Robertson were married a few months after she graduated from high school. Taking a leave of absence from the Dwan clinic, Amanda moved to California as Michael prepared for his second deployment to the war zone in Iraq. When he deployed several months later, she returned to Standish and resumed her work with Dr. Dwan. A year later, she again moved to California while Michael prepared for a third deployment, this time to Japan and southeast Asia. She worked as a dental assistant at practices in Costa Mesa and San Clemente during the several months until he was deployed, then she returned to work for Dr. Dwan in Standish. Her chairside assistant position was filled while she was away so she accepted a position at the office’s front desk, where she learned about scheduling, insurance, accounting and the other daily necessities of a dental practice. While it might have seemed like a step backwards, she viewed it as a way to broaden her understanding of dentistry and to improve her skills in working with patients.

“Over years of working in the dental field, my love for dentistry continued to grow.” she said. “I was an assistant to dentists who helped people get out of pain, restored function and brought back smiles. I was front desk staff and watched people walk in doubting their appearance and they walked out with confidence and were pain free. I was happy, but I wanted something more -– I wanted to be the one who provided the treatment to patients.”

As she continued working for Dr. Dwan, she investigated what it would take to become a dentist. “I thought, you know what: I think that I can do more. Like maybe I don’t want to be an assistant. Like maybe I don’t want to sit behind the front desk. Like maybe I can do the rest, so I started going to school part-time.” That meant working all day at the dental office, then commuting 30 minutes to Bay City for night classes at Delta Community College. She often ate dinner in the car on the way. After the last class, usually around 10 p.m., she would drive back to Standish, then pull off the same schedule the next day. On weekends, she worked as a waitress at a bowling alley and as a bartender to help pay for tuition.

After receiving an Associate’s Degree, she enrolled at Saginaw Valley State University to pursue a bachelor’s degree and fulfill the prerequisites for dental school. By then, Michael was out of the Marines, had earned his own bachelor’s degree and was employed, so finances were better. Amanda switched to part-time at the office and took classes at Saginaw Valley full time. By 2015 she had logged the science and math requirements, but was a few classes short of the actual bachelor’s degree. “When I was applying to dental schools, I called Michigan and told them I’m older and don’t have a bachelor’s. Am I competitive enough? Should I even put an application in? And they said, yes, absolutely. So I said, OK, we’ll see where this goes.”

Where it went was acceptance into the dental school currently ranked No. 1 in the country and No. 1 in the world. Robertson’s 12 years of experience working in dental practices, dating to those first days in the career training course in high school, left her well-prepared for what to expect, but isn’t dental school supposed to be really tough? “Dental school is really tough, it really is,” she answers. “I expected when I came to dental school that it would be the worst time of my life. Because I expected to have no free time and not be able to hang out with anyone. But I’ve met some of the best friends that I could imagine and have had some of the greatest times. I mean dental school is hard, but being able to be with people who are going through the same stuff is nice, and you make good friends. They are all going through the same struggles. People handle it differently so that’s interesting to see, but it’s not the worst time of my life, which I’m thankful for.”

It’s been a busy three-plus years. Her CV contains a long list of volunteering at public dental clinic programs: Mission of Mercy sponsored by the Michigan Dental Association, before and during dental school; Victors for Veterans dental clinics; Special Olympics Special Smiles; Hope Dental Clinic; Bay Cliff Health Camp in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula. She has joined two School of Dentistry Global Initiatives trips abroad -– to Corfu, Greece, and to Chichicastenango, Guatemala. It was her second service mission to Guatemala; she and Dr. Dwan went there before she started at the dental school. Among student organizations, Robertson was elected president of the Schoolwide Student Council for 2017-18 and has served as vice president of the Class of 2019 for the last three years. In those positions and others, she has collaborated frequently with Dr. Renée Duff, Assistant Dean for Student Services. “I have often relied on her perspective on student life and for her amazingly positive approach to leadership roles within her class and schoolwide,” Duff said. “Leadership is not always easy and Amanda has handled it with maturity, confidence and unparalleled positivity.”

Robertson said she is too busy to think too much about either the past or the future at the moment, but she and her husband have always focused on goals. “Mike and I talk a lot about the hard work we have put in to get where we are today, both professionally for him, as well as for me,” she said. “We push each other to always continue to learn and grow, and help someone when we can. I am from a very small town. Thinking back to my childhood I can’t say that I knew one day I was going to become a dentist. I always envisioned myself being successful, but didn’t always know what that meant to me.”

She credits Andrew Dwan for his mentoring from the very start of her venture into dentistry, through her moves back and forth to California and during those hectic times when she was taking college classes while working at his office. “I have found myself explaining dental treatment the same ways in which he did and using the same techniques to perform dentistry that I didn’t even realize I was learning when I was his chairside assistant,” she said. “He has shown me that dentistry can be fun, rewarding and of great benefit to patients. I am forever grateful for the time he invested in my skills as an assistant, the confidence he showed in my ability to be a part of the dental team and his continued mentorship.”

Her first step after graduation? “Well, I know I’m headed out of this building, but other than that I have no clue,” she said during a recent interview at the dental school. “I want to go into private practice, but where that is, I’m not sure. Wherever the best opportunity is, I’d be willing to go. I’d really like to either partner or buy. I wouldn’t mind being an associate for a year or maybe two, but I’m a little bit older in the crowd, so I need to start focusing on my future. So buying in would be important.”

Robertson said the story of her journey to a DDS degree is an example of the adage: You can really be anything you want. “I don’t think that there is a certain path that is set forth and you can’t deviate along the way,” she said. “I never expected to take a break for a few years before attending college after high school, or that I would be working two jobs and attending college at the same time. But I did, and I am still achieving my ultimate goal of becoming a dentist. Hard work and persistence pay off, and I am so glad that I never gave up on my dreams.”

Office Christmas Party!!
December 16th, 2017

In December the group was brought together to celebrate the holiday season! We decided to explore down town Bay City by participating in a scavenger hunt! After wards we enjoyed dinner at Real Seafood Co.

Candy Buy Back 2017 is in the books!!


During our candy buy back this year we collected 178 lbs. of candy to send to our troops! We thank everybody for all their help, without our great staff and patients we would not have been able to accomplish our goal to prevent decay and brighten a soldier's day! We hope you enjoy our pictures we have taken throughout our week of collecting candy.

Super Heros took over the office on Halloween!!


It's that time of the year again!!


Brushing Up on Dental Knowledge!!

In May the group went to San Antonio,Texas for the Annual TDA Meeting. While the group was there, they took various classes to continue their dental education. During their spare time they explored the beautiful city along the Riverwalk, Market Place and the historical Alamo!




February is National Children Dental Health Month!


Standish-Sterling Pre-Schoolers visited our dental office in February to learn about oral health from our staff!

Holiday Office Party 2016


Our 2016 Halloween Candy Buy Back was a great sucess!!





Our 3rd Annual Candy Buy Back allowed us to send about 80 lbs of candy to our Troops! Pictured above is our staff and a few of the kids who had participated in the buy back.

It's a Dental Wonderland!!


Dr. Dwan and staff had fun dressing up as Alice in Wonderland characters for Halloween!

Halloween Candy Buy Back

October 11, 2016

This will be the 3rd year that SFDC has put on the Halloween Candy Buy Back to help promote good oral health. Last year we collected over 85 lbs. of candy that was then sent overseas to the troops. Help us beat last years donations! See the flyer below for details.


Bring your child to work day!

April 28, 2016

Dr. Dwan's daughter Molly joined us to observe what a day in the dental office brings!


Standish-Sterling Pre-Schoolers Celebrate Dental Heath Month!

March 5, 2016


In the begining of March the pre-schools came to visit our office to learn about dental health. Our Dental team set up four different groups to express dental care.

The Chicago Mid Winter Meeting!

February 29th, 2016


At the end of February Dr. Dwan, Josette, Lisa, Lexi & Michelle all attended the Chicago Mid Winter Meeting. The group took a variety of classes at The McCormick Place. Dr. Dwan's classes included Oral Surgery & The General Practitioner, Clinical Techniques in Pediatric Dentistry and An Advanced Course in Treating Snoring & Sleep Apnea. The girl's classes varied from Let's Talk Infection control, Tobacco Cessation for the Dental Team, Occupational Respiratory Infectious Diseases, Nutrition Ignition, Emergency Medicine and Excellence in Dental Assisting. Of course our group used their spare time wisely to enjoy the city; sites, dinners and a show! Ask us about our trip next time you're in, we would love to share what we have learned at the conference!

Holiday Fun!

January 15, 2016

For the office holiday party this year the group, a long with their significant others celebrated by going to Studio 23 in Bay City. At the studio we were able to paint individual paintings together. Pictured below is the group with their final masterpiece!


The Troops Thank You!

December 30, 2015

The picture and letter posted below was sent from Operation Grattitude, who organized the Candy Buy Back in October. They we're able to send over 100,000 care packages, which included candy from the buy back along with other useful supplies.



Candy for the Troops!

Novemeber 12, 2015

We collected over 85 lbs. of candy to send to the troops during our 2nd Halloween Candy Buy Back! During the first week of November we had parents and their children bring in their candy donations. Thank you for everyone who participated, we look forward to doing it again next year!


Halloween Candy Buy Back!

October 26, 2015

This will be the 2nd year that SFDC has put on the Halloween Candy Buy Back to help promote good oral health. Last year we collected over 80 lbs. of candy that was then sent overseas to the troops. Help us beat last years donations! See the flyer below for details.


Doctor displays patients handy work in the office!

Lexi- September 16, 2015

Pictured below is Dr. Dwan and patient Gary, showing off his handy work he had made for doctor.


You will see Gary's gifts for doctor displayed at the front desk.


Patients show their appreciation to doctor!

Lexi- August 25, 2015
Periodically our patients bring in treats and gifts for doctor and the rest of the staff. This week Sarena made a fabric painting for doctor. Below is a picture of Dr. Dwan and Sarena admiring her art work.



Amanda Robertson - April 29, 2015
After spending almost 12 years at Standish Family Dental Center, the time has come for me to take a step back from working and fulfill my dream of becoming a dentist. I have spent the last few years completing a science based curriculum at Saginaw Valley State University to finish the classes required to be considered for admission into dental school. In June of last year I took the Dental Admissions Test and was pleased with my results. I applied to and was accepted to dental schools throughout the United States. I am proud to announce that I have chosen to accept my offer to The University of Michigan School of Dentistry and will begin my dental education in June of this year!

I am so happy to have had a chance to work in such a wonderful place, with awesome coworkers, and great patients! I look forward to seeing you all in four years! Until then, GO BLUE!

The Boston Blizzard didn't stop us from continuing our education!

Lexi - February 16, 2015

At the end of January Dr. Dwan, Josette, Mary Ann, Lisa, Michelle, Sarah, Amanda & Lexi attended the Yankee Dental Congress in Boston. Dr. Dwan took a class on Cardiovascular Drugs to keep him up to date on the latest changes, along with other classes. The girls took classes ranging from Biodynamic Dentistry, Chronic Inflammation, Patient Care, Communication, Infection Control and Periodontal bleeding pockets.

During our spare time we enjoyed the beautiful city of Boston.The group went to the Improv Asylum and had some great laughs on Friday night, and on Saturday night they got together for a nice dinner. Feel free to ask us about any of the new techniques and information we learned on our trip!

Doctor is at it, again!

Lexi - February 12, 2015
Dr. Dwan is excited to be a part of the HELPS Team for his 4th year! Dr. is donating his time in San Mateo, Guatemala to help others in need of dental treatment.

Here is a flyer for patients in Guatemala for you to see!


Halloween Candy Buy Back!

November 3, 2014


We would like to thank everyone who stopped in to donate their candy to our troops overseas!! We collected about 80 pounds of candy


Halloween Candy Buy Back!

October 02, 2014


Bring your Halloween candy to our office November 3, 2014 from 2-6pm. We will weigh it and give you $1.00 for every pound! Then we will send all of the candy to our troops! Help save your teeth from tooth decay and help us sweeten a soldier's day!

Learning new techniques about dentistry!

April 10, 2014


At the end of February Dr. Dwan, Mary Ann, Lisa, Josette, and Michele attended the 150th annual Midwinter meeting in Chicago. Dr. Dwan took a class learning new techniques for root canals and appliances that help with snoring and sleep apnea. The girls took classes ranging from pain management & anesthetics, mysterious mole detection, how dentistry has changed over the past 100 years, and even forensic dentistry. On Saturday the group was able enjoy a nice dinner together and unwind while watching “The Phantom of the Opera” musical. Please let us know if you’re interested in hearing about any of the new techniques and information they learned about!

My Experience in Huehuetenago, Guatamala With HELPS International

Amanda Robertson - March 01, 2014
In February I was honored to spend a week in Huehuetenango, Guatemala with the HELPS medical team. Our team of 98 ranged from dental professionals, surgeons, nurses, stove builders, cooks, anesthetists, and translators.

We arrived in Guatemala City on Saturday February 9th, and took a 6 hour bus ride through the mountains on Sunday to Huehuetenango where we stayed on the Guatemalan military base. The military personnel and townspeople were very welcoming of our team; the soldiers even woke us up every morning at 4:30 a.m. to the beat of their drums :)

After our section leaders were able to tour the hospital on base, they decide where each of our teams were going to set up for the week. Our dental team was lucky enough to spend the week on the outskirts of the hospital. We set up our dental “office” in an empty room only big enough for two dental chairs, since we had three dentist on our team Dr. Dwan and I were fortunate enough to set up our dental chair in the hallway outside between the hospital and our operatory. We were actually working on patients outside, what an experience!

The treatment that we administered to the community of Huehuetenango included mostly fillings and extractions, on young children to the elders, even members of the military. Working in the less than ideal surroundings with equipment that was only working part of the time was an exciting adventure. Although there was a language barrier with most of the patients, my minor Spanish skills, the help of translators and Dr. Dwan’s fluency in Spanish, a thankful connection was felt from the patients.

One day of the trip we were able to spend a day building stoves in the homes of the townspeople. We built one stove outside for them to use to make their corn mash, and one in each home to heat their homes and cook on. Being able to see their communities and how they live on a day to day basis was rewarding. The people were very welcoming of us into their homes and were happy to have a stove to cook on that used much less resources than the systems they were currently using.

Dr. Opperman, another dentist on our team, and I spent one day in a remote area about 2 hours into the mountains from the base, working on a community that was unable to travel to us. The people of this community were so thankful to be receiving treatment that they would normally not be able to obtain. We extracted teeth on patients that had infections and experiencing pain.

The experiences I had on this trip made memories that will last a lifetime, I met so many amazing people and am looking forward to volunteering my time again in the future.

Amanda Robertson

Happy Halloween!

November 05, 2013

Happy Halloween from Snow White and The Seven Dwarfs!!!

We hope your day was as fun as ours!


Depot Days 5K was another success

Josette R. Rang C.D.A., R.D.A. - October 24, 2013


The 2013 Depot Days 5k Run/Walk was a huge success this year! Despite rainy conditions we had a record breaking turnout. We had the most ever participants at 137, which included 97 Runners and 40 Walkers! I was able to raise $3,521.00 this year which brings me to a total of $12, 276.00 donated to Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation in the past 5 years! I am so thankful to all of our sponsors, city police, fire department, participants, and helpers and I look forward to organizing this event next year!

I can’t wait to see you all there next year!

Josette R Rang

A Lifetime Achievement

Mary Ann Wiltse, R.D.A. - August 05, 2013

In February of this year I was blessed to join a group going on a medical mission trip to Tecpan’ Guatemala to serve the underprivileged with dental treatment. The 12 day trip was through a non-profit organization called HELPS International. Our Michigan Medical Team consisted of about 139 dental professionals, plastic surgeons, ob-gyns, general surgeons, general practitioners, anesthesiologist, nurses, pharmacists, translators, stove builders, triage, and kitchen cooks.This was my first mission trip and Dr Dwan’s second, it was an amazing experience!

When we arrived we set up a dental clinic in an old hospital with very little equipment. Our dental team consisted of 3 dentists, 4 assistants, and a translator. During our time there we extracted 365 teeth, and restored 226 teeth. The Guatemalan people were very appreciative.

We had military soldiers that traveled with us as we moved about serving the people’s needs. We were able to travel into a remote village about an hour into the mountains to extract infected teeth on people that were unable to come to us. We also went out to villages and helped construct wood burning cook stoves that are safer and more efficient than the people were using.

The large medical teams scheduled surgeries of all kinds around the clock to treat as many people as possible. It takes many people to effectively run a mission trip of this multitude. I am so thankful I was able to help.

If you are interested in going on a mission trip like this ask us or check out

You will be blessed.

Mary Ann Wiltse, R.D.A.

Mission of Mercy- Donated Dental Clinic

June 17, 2013


On the weekend of June 7, 2013 Dr. Dwan, Lisa, Josette, and Amanda were able to lend a hand to some people in need during the state’s first Mission of Mercy event held at Saginaw Valley State University’s Ryder Center. The 100-chair dental clinic was Friday and Saturday bringing 1,136 people from the surrounding area and a total of 5,493 procedures were performed, completely free of charge. The donated work is estimated to be approximately $903,000! Patients received treatment procedures ranging from tooth brushing instruction, cleanings, fillings, root canals and even oral surgery. We would like to say thank you to all the volunteers and donations that made this event possible, we look forward to volunteering our time again next June!

Lisa is working hard for the community

March 12, 2013
Below is a copy of the write up featured in the Arenac Independent about Lisa's efforts in trying to get fluoride in the water for AuGres!
Au Gres council mulls adding fluoride to water
Posted by Kevin Bunch
News Editor | [email protected]

Posted 2/12/13
Au GRES — The Au Gres City Council agreed to research the possibility of adding fluoride added to the city’s water supply during its regular meeting Feb. 5.

Dental hygienist Lisa Wiltse brought up the idea during the council’s public comments period, and said the American Dental Association has an annual grant that provides up to $24,000 to install the equipment needed to add fluoride to a municipality’s drinking water.

“There is plenty of information from studies done by the American Dental Association stating fluoride is a good thing that reduces the cost and amount of dental work,” Wiltse said. “I know where I grew up, they didn’t add fluoride, and now I’ve got a mouth full of dental work because of it.”

She said the addition of fluoride would be beneficial to people of all ages, but primarily children, as the fluoride helps strengthen their teeth as they come in. It particularly has an impact on lower socio-economic groups, she said, who are not able to get dental care as often as recommended.

The proposal is personal for Wiltse as well, as she resides in Au Gres and has twins who needed to go on fluoride drops to get what they are lacking from the water supply.

According to Wiltse, fluoride is also a naturally occurring substance in the environment and in water supplies across the world, but is not usually present in great enough amounts to have an impact on tooth decay.

According to the American Dental Association, drinking water with an optimal amount of fluoride is known to reduce cavities and tooth decay by anywhere from 20-40 percent. The Centers for Disease Control considers it one of the greatest public health accomplishments of the 20th century, and an estimated 72 percent of the U.S. population served by public water systems gets fluoridated water.

The deadline for a grant application was last week, and Wiltse said if the council gave their authorization she would apply for it. Then, if they decided not to go ahead with the project, they could simply turn down the funds, but if it were approved they could go ahead this year.

Au Gres Mayor LaVern Dittenber said the city council looked into adding fluoride about 20-25 years ago and decided it was not a good idea.

“At the time we looked into it, we were concerned about side effects,” Dittenber said.

Wiltse said that while a lot of people are worried about fluoride being toxic, it only is in large doses — which, she said, practically everything is.

“If it is monitored as chlorine is monitored in water to clean out bacteria, (the fluoride) is completely safe for the body,” she said. “There are many studies that are peer reviewed, plus scientific evidence, that it is safe for people of all ages.”

Wiltse explained that chlorine, another substance added to drinking water to kill bacteria, is a toxic substance to humans in larger doses. However, it is measured and tested an average of twice a day in water treatment facilities, and fluoride would be treated much the same way.

She added she could provide the council with studies and research from the ADA to help them make a decision on the matter, and would be willing to see about getting local dentists Dr. Scott McAlindon and Dr. Andrew Dwan to come to the council’s next meeting to answer their questions and concerns.

City Manager Pat Killingbeck said the city council also had concerns about the caustic impact of fluoride on the environment, and acknowledged that the staff is not particularly enthused about the idea for that reason.

Wiltse said a study done in the state of Washington under its Environmental Policy Act found that fluoride had no adverse effect on the environment in the amounts used in drinking water.

The council declined to move on the matter, however, so the earliest the city can apply for the grant is 2014.

Wiltse said Standish got its own fluoride treatment in place around 2011-2012. Its installation and equipment costs came out to about $5,000, and the city pays $80-100 a month for the fluoride itself. In practice, she said for Au Gres it may raise the water bill by a couple dollars.

She said she also had previously spoken to Frances Semenick at the Sims-Whitney Water Board about adding fluoride to their water, but had been unable to attend any of their meetings by the deadline to see about applying for the grant.

Dr. Dwan achieved a career goal in March!

May 23, 2012

Last March I was able to fulfill one of my personal goals, by volunteering in an underserved country. Although I, as well as most other dentists, perform charitable work here in the U.S., the ability to improve lives is even greater in poorer areas. I went as one of 2 dentists with a medical mission group called HELPS International. We worked in the city of Tejutla, located in Guatemala. In the weeks before we arrived, the population was notified by radio and signs that we would be setting up a hospital to treat patients. Every day people came from Tejutla and neighboring towns to wait in line for the chance to be seen. Our group saw patients with varied medical conditions including cancer, cleft palate, and of course dental problems. Every day the lines would begin early in the morning and we would see as many patients as we could. Those we couldn’t see would return the next morning with hopes they could receive treatment.

Our dental team, which consisted of two dentists and two assistants, was able to see 161 patients. We performed 281 extractions and 201 fillings, all in very cramped conditions. We used portable dental equipment and were without such luxuries as x-rays, dental lighting and other technologies I am accustomed to.

Mission trips, aside from the medical personnel, need people to cook, sterilize instruments, fix equipment and other duties. I would encourage everyone to consider volunteering on a mission trip. Making a difference in the lives of the patients I treated while in Guatemala was a life changing experience.

Dr. Andrew Dwan

Dr. Dwan is running for a Cure!

September 12, 2011
On November 6, 2011 Dr. Dwan will be running with Team JDRF in the 2011 ING New York City Marathon to raise money for the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation. As some of you know his daughter, Mary Katherine, was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes in 2008 when she was 7 years old.
Please click the link below to show your support for JDRF and help them find a cure!


Remember The Alamo

September 12, 2011

Our office "Remembered The Alamo" this May while we visited San Antonio, Texas for the 141st Annual Session of the Texas Dental Association for a Dental Convention. We expanded our knowledge in all areas of the dental field and learned about new products to help your time in our office more pleasurable. We now have a new system to help keep you more comfortable. Ask us about it next time you're in!


The Twins are here!!

June 22, 2011

Lisa and Cale welcomed two extraordinary bundles of joy to this world! Elena Marie and Walker Alan were born at 8:34 and 8:35 p.m. on Wednesday, May 18th, 2011. Both Mom and babies are doing great! Here are two pictures of the happy family. Congratulations to the Wiltses!! You can look for Lisa back in the office around August!



She Did It

May 19, 2011

Josette completed the Cleveland Half Marathon on Sunday, May 15, 2011, a 13.1 mile run, in 2 hours, 13 minutes, and 57 seconds. What an accomplishment! This was her third half marathon and a personal best for time! We are so proud of her for completing such an extraordinary goal. Congrats from all of us!

The Boston Marathon

April 20, 2011

After months of training and hard work, Dr. Dwan accomplished an amazing feat! He traveled to one of the most prestigious marathons, noted by runners around the globe, and ran his hardest. He completed the Boston Marathon on April 18, 2011 in 3 hours, 21 minutes, and 25 seconds! That's a 7 minute and 40 second pace per mile for 26.2 miles! We would like to say congratulations to him, what a life time accomplishment!


Josette is training for another half marathon!

February 23, 2011

Josette is currently training for her 3rd half marathon in Cleveland, Ohio in May. Training for a half marathon takes a great deal of time and dedication, running at least 5 days of the week and cross training one day a week. We wish her the best of luck in her training!

Dr. Dwan has been running, a lot.

February 23, 2011

We would like to congratulate Dr. Dwan on qualifying to run the Boston Marathon! In order to qualify to run this prestigious race he had to complete a 26.2 mile run in less than 3 hours and 20 minutes! We wish him the best of luck this April when he runs with the best in Boston!
Go get ‘em Dr!

Wonderful News from Lisa!

February 23, 2011

Our hygienist Lisa has two very exciting pieces of news to share…. Lisa and her husband Cale are expecting twins in June! Lisa is currently working two days a week and waiting for her bundle of joys to arrive. We can’t wait to meet them!

Running Links

April 29, 2010

Check out our new running links posted under the Links tab on our site. They will take you straight to the sign up sheets for the Kiwanis for Kids 5K run/walk, The Depot Days 5K run/walk, also the Bay Area Runners Club, and Run Michigan websites.

Out on a Ledge for our Patients!

April 27, 2010

Our staff has successfully completed over 40 hours of continuing education since January 1, 2010. We recently took an office trip to Chicago, IL. to their Midwinter Convention, we took classes ranging from teeth bleaching to dental implants, and even how to help people to quit smoking!
Here is a picture of our staff atop the Willis Tower, 110 stories up out on the "Skydeck Ledge"; a glass platform overlooking Chicago.


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8:00 am-5:00 pm


8:00 am-5:00 pm


8:00 am-5:00 pm


8:00 am-5:00 pm





